Fall Risk Self Assessment

Falls are common among elderlies. There are many factors that lead to falling. Answer the below questions and find out if you have a low, moderate, or high risk of falling. Seek ways to reduce chances of injury.
I have fallen in the last year.

Studies have pointed out that a recent fall will greatly increase the risk of falling again.

When going out to walk, I need or be advised to use crutches or walking aids to help balance.

If the medical staff recommend the use of crutches or walking aids to aid balance, it means that you have a higher risk of falling.

When walking, sometimes I feel unstable.

Unsteady steps or the need to hold furniture while walking are signs of poor balance.

When I walk at home, I need to hold on to the furniture to balance myself.

Unsteady steps or the need to hold furniture while walking are signs of poor balance.

I’m worried about falling.

People who are worried about falling will invisibly reduce their activities, which will easily cause a decrease in muscle strength and increase the risk of falling.

When I get up from the chair, I need to use my hands to help.

This is a sign of weakness in the lower limbs. The weak muscle strength of the lower limbs is one of the main causes of falls.

I felt difficult when I stepped onto the steps.

This is a sign of weakness in the lower limbs. The weak muscle strength of the lower limbs is one of the main causes of falls.

I often rush to the toilet.

Rushing to the toilet (especially at night) increases the risk of falling.

My feet feel numb.

Feeling numb in the soles of the feet can easily lead to tripping and falling.

The medications I take sometimes make me feel dizzy or tired than usual.

The side effects of medications sometimes increase the risk of falls.

I have taken medication to help sleep or improve mood.

The side effects of medications sometimes increase the risk of falls.

I often feel depressed or depressed.

Depressive symptoms (such as feeling tired from time to time and slow to move) can increase the risk of falls.

Total: 0

Cause of falling varies among individuals, please do not ignore the seriousness and take appropriate precautions

Greater Los Angeles VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center and affiliates (Rubenstein et al. J Safety Res; 2011:42(6)493-499).

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